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Quiet Title Attorney in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Do you have questions about your title to a piece of real property? Are there unclear issues regarding the ownership of real estate that you would like to resolve? If so, you may want to consider filing for a quiet title or ejectment. A quiet title is a court action that can help resolve any legal issues with the ownership, rights, or interests of a property.  

At Richard L. Vanderslice, P.C., our attorneys in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, can file a quiet title action help settle disputes over who owns real property and bring legal action on your behalf to confirm or clarify real estate ownership. With an office in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we serve clients in surrounding areas, including throughout Philadelphia County, Delaware County, and Montgomery County.  

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What Is a Lawsuit to Quiet Title ?  

A quiet title action is a legal action filed in court to determine and confirm the owner’s title to real property. In other words, it is used to remove any doubts about who has rights and interests in a particular piece of land or property. It is sometimes referred to as an “action for partition” because it resolves issues between parties over their respective shares of something—in this case, their share of ownership in real property. The court action will also address any potential claims from third parties against the subject land or property. 

When Is a Quiet Title Action Typically Used?  

Quiet titles are frequently used when there are disputes involving boundary lines, encroachments onto another person’s property, conflicting deed descriptions, and/or competing claims on an estate due to multiple heirs having an interest in it. They can also be used if someone has been occupying land they do not own and they want official recognition as the owner.  

Additionally, quiet titles can be used when claims have been made against a parcel of land by creditors or tax authorities or when previous deeds have been lost or destroyed due to age or some other factor. 

What Is Involved in the Process?   

Now that you know what a quiet title is, you might be wondering about what to expect in the quiet title process: 

  1. Researching the records. The first step in the quiet title process involves researching all records related to the property in question, such as deed records and recorded documents (e.g., mortgages). This research should reveal whether any claims exist against the land or property and provide information about who may have rights or interests related to it.  

  1. Filing an action. Once this research has been completed, then an attorney must file an action with the appropriate court requesting that all relevant parties be served notice that a lawsuit has been filed regarding ownership of said land or property (i.e., notification that someone is filing for a quiet title).  

  1. Waiting for the court judgment. Finally, after all parties have had time to respond with their respective arguments/evidence as part of discovery proceedings—if necessary—the court will enter its judgment declaring one party as the rightful owner/titleholder for the land or property based upon its findings from discovery proceedings and/or other evidence presented during the trial (if applicable).   

While the quiet title process may differ depending on the complexity involved with each case, courts typically grant judgments establishing clear ownership rights within six months to a year after filing suit, as long as no significant delays occur during discovery proceedings.  

Given how quickly these cases can move through the system and potentially save lots of money on disputed boundary line litigation down the road, quiet titles are definitely worth exploring further if you find yourself needing clarification related to ownership rights/interests on certain pieces of real estate. 

Quiet Title Attorneys Serving Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

If you have questions about your title to real estate or need clarification regarding who owns certain pieces of land/property, then filing for a quiet title may be an option worth considering. Contact a skilled real estate attorney to assist you throughout the quiet title process. At Richard L. Vanderslice, P.C., we assist clients with quiet titles in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and throughout Philadelphia, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. Reach out to our office for a consultation.